Venture advice

Our strategic and corporate finance advisory skills and operational management experience combine particularly well when we advise young, high growth companies. Our breadth of business backgrounds and experience of operating with many companies, particularly in technology and the media, enable us to:

  • Try to ensure that the business plan does not contain the seeds of failure
  • Help senior management teams identify the key drivers of success
  • Advise on the unexpected blows which high growth companies seem to feel more than most
  • Make available a range of high level contacts within other businesses to create value
  • Through Barchester Group Limited we are able to advise on the more conventional issues such as raising funds, relationships with investors and how to maximise the financial value of the company.

In certain circumstances, we are prepared to back our advice financially by receiving payment for advice in shares in the client. When we do this, our usual approach is to agree a very long term and broad advisory mandate in return for a once-off share of the equity of the client. Our venture clients can then turn to us without feeling that the fee clock is ticking.

In such circumstances, we would not normally join the board of the client. This preserves our impartiality and objectivity.

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Our style and values

Barchester does not try to emulate the services provided by integrated consultancies or investment banks... | more


Barchester advises UK and international clients across a wide range of industries and sectors... | more

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