Corporate finance advice

John McLaren, Jon Exton and Lorne Forsyth have been leading practitioners in:

Mergers and acquisitions

Barchester Group Limited provides detailed advice on the purchase and sales of businesses. This includes strategies for sale and detailed negotiating advice once a potential vendor or acquirer has been identified. We do not usually undertake mandates which include the search for partners and are prepared to work with other investment banks who provide such a service.

Typical past assignments with which our directors have been involved include the acquisition and sale of business to/from industry acquirers or to/from venture capital backed acquirers, the formation of joint-ventures and mergers. Our directors have experience of public and private transactions in most major countries outside the UK. Our directors’ experience includes acting as a principal in transactions which gives important insights into pre and post acquisition planning.

Venture capital

Barchester Group Limited provides impartial expert advice to management on the key issues and potential conflict areas involved in sourcing and concluding VC investment. This can include detailed coaching of the team from initial targeting of investors through to marketing, negotiation and ongoing financial planning.

We do not act as private placement agents, but seek instead to transfer skills and advice directly to the management team. Past assignments have varied from extensive, detailed behind the scenes management of a lengthy negotiation with a strategic funding partner through to carrying out a sanity check on a proposed deal structure.

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Our style and values

Barchester does not try to emulate the services provided by integrated consultancies or investment banks... | more


Barchester advises UK and international clients across a wide range of industries and sectors... | more

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