Our styles and values

Our styles and values
Barchester does not try to emulate the services provided by integrated consultancies or investment banks. We provide discreet advice and insight on issues where the senior management of our clients require:

  • Impartiality
    Barchester does not trade in shares on its own account or manage other investors’ funds.
  • Breadth of experience and technical skills in the financial markets
    Four Barchester partners have been leading practitioners and executives in corporate finance, equity capital markets, insurance, mergers and acquisitions and venture capital. All of our partners have lived and worked outside the UK.
  • Lateral thought
    The diversity of our partners’ business backgrounds gives us the perspective to find solutions, often bred of real experience.
  • Collaborative approach
    The right advice is not always the first reaction. Senior management do not need to be told what to do, but they often have nowhere to turn to discuss the issues which affect their business.
  • Sensitivity
    Our partners have all managed businesses and know the pressure senior managers face.

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